Thursday 22 October 2015

Audience Research - Results

These screenshots are of our audience feedback survey which has been online for a week and has been shared around various social media sites, such as Facebook and Twiter, in order to broaden our reached audience.

We decided to find out which weapon was most preferred in thriller films by our target audience in order to feature it in our film opening. The results showed us that 49% of people thought that everyday objects used as weapons make a thriller film more interesting and exciting so we will try to incorporate something like this into our opening as a weapon.

We decided to find out what sub-genre of thriller were people's favourite as this will help us to make our opening more appealing by bringing elements of that sub genre into it. 
The results showed us that psychological thrillers are most popular as 39% of our audience chose it over the other sub-genres. As a result, we are going to focus on making sure our film has conventions of psychological thriller films, in order to appeal to our target audience.

We asked our audience what location they most preferred to see in thrillers and woodlands turned out to be the most popular with 27% of people choosing it. Our current idea is set in a house which makes it difficult to respond to the popular opinion of a woodland setting. However, we could incorporate woodland scenes into some of our shots.

We wanted to find out what editing techniques our audience find most effective. From our results we learnt that jump cuts and colour manipulation are two favourites of our audience. Jump cuts received 19 votes and colour manipulation received 15 votes.  We are therefore going to try and include as many as possible.

Our audience results showed that low-key lighting is the most popular thriller convention in the Mise-En-Scene category with 46% of the vote. They also liked younger characters over older characters. Our film will feature low-key lighting and will therefore appeal to out audience and it will feature old and young characters.

We wanted to find out which sound techniques our target audience would find most effective. Our audience preferred silence (50% of the vote) and tense music above other sound techniques which means that our film, which will feature both of these conventions, will apply to out target audience.

The results to question 8 show that a greater percentage of people prefer a resolved thriller ending. When it comes to thriller openings, this is not to say that they need every detail explained as this question mainly focuses on ending rather than openings. However, we can use this result to adjust our opening to ensure it makes sense to an audience.

For our final question, we asked what time of day our audience most preferred. 65% chose night-time which is a convention we can incorporate into our opening in order to make it more appealing.

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