Friday 23 October 2015

Past Student Work - Secret Intelligence Service

This A grade opening sequence fits into the action-thriller genre. Using a character in a black suit and linking him to the MI6 building we can identify a spy theme which allows us to identify the sub-genre.

High-tech graphics are common among this sub-genre in particular. They allow an audience to understand what type of film they are about to watch. In this case, we can understand that this movie will have a theme of technology.

Nearly every shot features low-key lighting and no colour. Low-key lighting connotes a sense of mystery and makes ordinary shots appear sinister which is important because it put the audience on edge. The shot above is an example of a close up shot which draws focus to the keyboard and makes the audience question what is happening and if it has significance to the plot.

A combination of steady and handheld shots makes it seem as though we the audience are experiencing the narrative through another character's eyes which give an sense of importance to shots and elements within the shots.

Low-key lighting is used in this opening sequence heavily to create a sense of mystery and keep the audience on edge. This close up shot makes us question the baby monitor's significance to the narrative. We question why it is there and what it is monitoring. This will keep an audience engaged.

Special effects, such as the explosion above, are useful for exciting the audience - which is important for audience pleasure - and making them question why it happened. Sonically exaggerated Sound Effects also emphasise the extent of the explosion's damage to the bus.

Using news articles and features emphasises the severity and extent of the exploded bus to the audience. The ambulance, shown in the shot below, has the same effect. The audience will be more engaged with a dramatically emphasised plot.

The block-typed font looks modern and adds to the high-tech theme explored in the opening sequence. This helps the audience understand the type of thriller movie they are watching. Revealing shots through the title sequence can be useful for drawing attention to particular characters or objects and their significance to the narrative.

The shot above is called a normality scene which is important as it juxtapose with other scenes of high action or suspense. In effect, it heightens the impact of intense, dramatic scenes which is important for creating audience pleasure by getting them on edge. Sonically exaggerated sound is normally used in these scenes being the only sounds to break the silence. This connotes a sinister perspective on everyday objects. This could impact the audience's opinions of a particular character or object.

The shots above and below show the transition type used for the title to appear. The style resembles computer graphics which suggest the film has a theme of technology which enforces the idea of a secret agent protagonist as they are likely to rely on high-tech equipment.

Using the famous MI6 building in the shot allows an audience to understand the location and what normally happens there. This will lead them to expect certain character conventions to become part of the narrative - for example, secret agents.

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